A crazy thing happened last year. Well, lots of crazy things happened, if you ask me. But here is one of them: Vayarin, an over-the-counter ADHD supplement catering to both children and young adults, was discontinued in the USA. Just like that. No warning. Nothing.
People were left confused and even angry. What to do now? Go back to the doctor and find a different treatment plan? Find a Vayarin alternative? Import Vayarin from somewhere else?
The reality
Once you find something that works for you, it is difficult to let go of it. And why should you? I don’t know about you, but I buy makeup and beauty products a few at a time, in case they get discontinued. It has happened one too many times. But with supplements and medications? I expect a little more stability from those companies and their products.
So Vayarin users were left high and dry. And some started doing research and trying to figure out what to do next. Should they go to the common ADHD drugs? What about the side effects? What if they get bad reactions?
And the most important question. Does a Vayarin alternative exist?
Yes an alternative does exist. Zoom is the same product as Vayarin.
And the reviews for Zoom are in
“Marked improvement. Finally, very happy to be back on it!”
“Great product for my kids. So glad we can continue to use Zoom”.
“My son was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism. The Vayarin I was giving him is no longer sold in the USA, but since we found Zoom, he is doing very good! Thanks!”
Click here to read our article on Is Vayarin like Zoom?
Back to important things
Parenting is hard. And ADHD can make things more complicated and frustrating. Choosing and finding the correct treatment for you or your child is an ongoing challenge.
So, please remember that we are always here to help. Feel free to reach out with questions. We are just one email away: [email protected]
4 Responses
So Vayarin was a medical food, which was dispensed by prescription.
How come Zoom, which is a dietary supplement is so expensive?
Hi Rob!
Israel and the United States have different regulations and classifications. In Israel there is no requirement for a prescription and Zoom is not classified as a medical food. From our research, the ingredients of Vayarin and Zoom are comparable (if not exactly the same).
How much zoom do you give a child per day?
Good question! The recommended dosage is 2 capsules daily. Either 2 capsules in the morning, or 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening.