An ADHD coach is a trained professional who can assist people with ADHD by teaching effective strategies that can help them address the challenges of ADHD in day-to-day living. This requires developing structured programs, teaching skills, and planning strategies to enable the person with ADHD to tackle the tasks or goals that are made more difficult by ADHD symptoms.
The role of the ADHD coach may include:
- Teaching time management, record keeping, setting priorities, and organizing activities at home and in the schoolroom or workspace.
- Guiding how to set goals, solve problems, maintain motivation, and persist through completion.
- Boosting emotions such as self-esteem and self-confidence, improving impulse control, and coping with stress.
- Helping to nurture communication skills and relationships with friends, family, schoolmates, and colleagues.
An ADHD coach may also work in combination with other specialists who are using other treatment methods, such as medication, diet, occupational therapy and any other therapies.